
We will not do anything that's not in the best long-term interest of our client's business, and that means its bottom line.

We are a business and security outcomes company, and the latter only when it's in the interest of the former. We are not a "cyber" company.

We will resist deploying technology where strategy, process, or leadership can fix a problem more effectively. Technologies are tools, not solutions.

We will not recommend "risk management" where quality-management can cost-effectively prevent the risk from forming in the first place.

We will make every effort to keep operational [security] costs down, and to generate efficiencies in processes across all departments as to minimise both the risk and the cost they introduce to the business.

While we are delighted to work with progressive CISOs and CIOs, our primary audience are the CFOs and CEOs who share our priority: the business.

"[I] love the underlaying basis of these statements - which should resonate with many security purists that have too much love for the problem to understand the inadequacy of their solutions."

Calin Gheorghiu

Head of Risk Assessment & Advisory [EMEA] @ a top 3 global financial institution.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help organisations be more resilient and more profitable by transforming how they look at and handle risk.

We believe the status quo is wrong, and that organisations' best bet to be secure is through quality management, eliminating the internal root causes behind your risks and vulnerabilities in a cost-provable way rather than just increasing risk-management effort every year.

We move the practice of security from being an often ineffective and disconnected firefighting exercise to one that addresses the internal processes creating your cybersecurity risks in the first place.

Our Value

The trend in cybersecurity is a worrying one for organisations: Spending is up every year, and breaches are only increasing.

The industry says double down, but the real problem is the lack of strategy, structure, cohesion, and business-alignment within security functions leading to ineffective approaches and spend.

That's where we come in. We reduce risk not by forever managing or mitigating, but by eliminating its sources - for good. We cumulatively reduce your risk management costs while driving up the quality (and profitability) of your business and its processes.

Download a free PDF copy of A Better Way, our simple non-technical guide for executives who care more about results than technology.