The Process
The Orange Peel: Our Fixed Assessment
We like to start our customers on their journey with our fixed-price assessment. While aimed at senior executives to ensure they get value from their security spend, it's deliberately structured to also enable security champions to elevate themselves with a C-level deliverable at an accessible price point.
We call it The Orange Peel because it's a bit like peeling an orange. That's to say that, unless your organisation is very small indeed, this 3.5 day assessment won't be enough to cover all of it. But that doesn't matter. The goal of this assessment is to break the skin, uncover enough of what's beneath to give us an understanding of the fundamental issues, and to estimate how much effort will be needed to peel the rest.
You get a written report and an SLT presentation on what's really causing your security problems, whether it's a lack of strategy, business collaboration, poor organisational structure, power to address root causes, or anything else... and the next steps to solving it.

Should you wish to continue after our initial report, we proceed to peel the rest of the orange and start planning the journey ahead.
This can include recommending organisational changes, the creation and approval of charters for your information security programme to capture senior management support, defining other department's roles and responsibilities in terms of not introducing and mitigating additional business risk, crafting a security strategy that supports your business, and helping you outline a security programme to deliver it.
Finally, we craft a roadmap to implement the above as well as all the technical consultancy, solutions, tools, and services needed to reach your ideal outcomes.
Handholding Retainer
In the Consultancy phase, we'll have finalised your proactive business-aligned strategy, defined the needed organisational structure, formalised management support, created a programme outline to deliver your strategy, and drawn up a roadmap to build it out.
After this, we step back and let you get on with your journey.
During this journey however, you will encounter challenges, find new information, and at times need advice on how best to proceed. Our Handholding Retainer keeps us available to help keep you on track, as well as acting as a single trusted point to independently recommend third-party technical consultancy, IT and security solutions, and expert professional services to make sure maximum value is achieved.